Living life one incredible day at a time...

Living life one incredible day at a time...

About Me

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Greetings Friends, Family, Fellow Blogging Community!! I'm a 30-something year old music teacher and enthusiastic self-taught decorator, who loves to spend time with my tremendously talented and handsome one-of-a-kind husband, Jon, our two amazing children, Clara and Carson, and my wonderful loving family and friends!! I love all things creative and artsy, including design, music, dance, art, scrapbooking, you name it!! I decided to commence this blog in order to create a fun and creative on-line journal showcasing the exciting adventurous journey of the Botbyl family, and in order to keep in touch with and hopefully inspire other individuals, like myself who love to share a wonderful life's design consisting of love of family, friends, and creative living!! Please leave me a message/comment if you decide to visit my blog, or add yourself to my list of "followers" so that I can visit your awesome blog or Facebook!! Look extremely forward to hearing from you!! Have an incredibly amazing day!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Life in transition, summer months quick approaching, and a demanding sassy snow queen...

 Good Evening! Long time, no see. I'm super excited that my wonderful husband Jon just figured out how to upload photos from our phones to my blog, which will make it much more simple and less overwhelming for me to include up-to-date photos of exactly what I'm blogging about without a couple extra unnecessary agitating steps. As busy as we've been this year, I'm now inspired to continue blogging once the summer, fast approaching, begins. 

My last post was summer, and I've been in a little blogging slump, but we are planning to embark on new adventures very soon, and sharing our adventures always makes me feel great! It's awesome to connect and relate to others through social media, which gives us the opportunity to share our amazing journeys, ideas, DIYs, funny stories etc and cheer each other on as we experience trials and triumphs. I'm going to give it my best attempt to make time for this blog in the upcoming months, and since I feel like I have so much catching up to do, I may write about this passed year!

Some quick updates: We are in the process of selling our home, which is both bittersweet and super exciting. I'll go into more detail about this later, delve into the projects that lie ahead, and explain where we are headed from here! (Can never be sure what God has in store for us next...we can only put all our trust in him.) Here are some photos of our current home, where we've resided for 5 years. I'm hoping to do a "Before and After" post on all the rooms in the house to show the evolution from where we began 5 years ago till now. I feel that we've come a long way, and like our 1st house, this one has played such an important role in our lives.

The kiddies are growing in leaps and bounds, and my ever-changing mini-me Clara, is beginning to outwit me...unreal sassy-ness of a 3 year old! And Carson...I never understood the odd cheek-pinching urge until this adorable pink-cheeked chipmunk hunk stole my heart! This cheerful little stud never stops smiling...ever! Be still my heart, for we have been truly blessed...There was a time when I didn't know if we would ever have one...and we have two little lovable stinkers! Here are up-dated photos from the last couple months.
 Thank you for tuning in, and I look extremely forward to posting about our new journey and a brand new renovation project that lies ahead! Enjoy your week! God Bless!

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