Good Morning!! Jon has school today, & due to the fact that my fellow music teachers & I formed a PLC (Professional Learning Community), which takes place of the district in-service being held today, we are exempt from "school", which is kinda sad, in that I always enjoy in-services, but also exciting in that I could definitely use another day extremely wisely by accomplishing several things that I wouldn't ordinarily have the time to accomplish, such as scenery for our middle school show "Seussical The Musical" for which mt current art project is 20 life-size brigthly colored seussian fishies, & a couple of evidently needed home improvement projects, including a new tile floors & modern vanities for both upstairs bathrooms, & cream colored plush carpets in all three bedrooms. (breathe...that was a heck of a long sentence) This morning, we're having measurements taken for these particular projects, then mom & I are heading out to Lowe's to pick up a couple of items & search out two small vanities that are modern & sleek in style, but considerably budget friendly!! Well, it's time for this design-savy weekend warrior to set out on another adventurous journey!!