Living life one incredible day at a time...

Living life one incredible day at a time...

About Me

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Greetings Friends, Family, Fellow Blogging Community!! I'm a 30-something year old music teacher and enthusiastic self-taught decorator, who loves to spend time with my tremendously talented and handsome one-of-a-kind husband, Jon, our two amazing children, Clara and Carson, and my wonderful loving family and friends!! I love all things creative and artsy, including design, music, dance, art, scrapbooking, you name it!! I decided to commence this blog in order to create a fun and creative on-line journal showcasing the exciting adventurous journey of the Botbyl family, and in order to keep in touch with and hopefully inspire other individuals, like myself who love to share a wonderful life's design consisting of love of family, friends, and creative living!! Please leave me a message/comment if you decide to visit my blog, or add yourself to my list of "followers" so that I can visit your awesome blog or Facebook!! Look extremely forward to hearing from you!! Have an incredibly amazing day!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

So it begins!! Let's talk about classroom organization and storage, clever decorating ideas, and creativity!!

How weird does it feel that school has been in session for several weeks now? Where did the time go? Now that the anticipation, nerves, and pure craziness of the "1st full week" has subsided (thank goodness) and we're heading towards the familiar normalcy and structure of the school year, the anxiety has definitely worn off, and although I'm still extremely bent out of shape about leaving my little sweet pea, there's something comforting about being "back into the swing of things" isn't there? (I say that now...wait till I find gum all over my piano, break up a fight and accidentally get punched, or spend an hour on could be worse

Also, having my Dad babysit Clara is absolutely amazing, a total Godsend, and I'm exceedingly thankful for that (Thanks Pop-pop!!) If you're on Delsea drive and spot a small child on the back of a motorcycle...or driving her own mini-motor cycle, with a backwards helmet, white socks pulled up to her knees, and of course Sophie the (squeaky) giraffe, yeah...that's definitely my child, so make sure you give her a quick grin and wave!! In fact, it may look a little something like this :
 or this??
 Moving right along...I've been contemplating a lot about classroom organization, creativity, and decor. However I always find that as soon as the hustle and bustle usually begins, my plans for decorating the classroom and ultra-organization gets thrown right out the window!! This year, I'm not going to let that happen, and am making it a point to stay totally on top of things, which will hopefully help to create a more exciting, calm, and well-thought out space more conducive to learning. I'm usually pretty good...great, even, at throwing things out, even those poor kid's instrument projects that I just kinda run outa room for. Trashing things you don't need, as difficult as that can be, will always make your space more tranquil, organized, and breathable, whether you have a itty bitty classroom, or a humungous space. 
Hmmm...Let's start here. This is what I have so far...which continuously evolve throughout the year : My classroom room, inspiration board, and "Create a band project" collage, as well as some important classroom rules and procedures:
Lately, I've been decluttering and organizing, and collecting thoughts and ideas on reinventing my space. I'm off to a good start, but I definitely have a long way to go!This is inspiration I've come up with from Pinterest! Should we call it "Pin-spiration" :
This next photo, I absolutely LOVE!! What a simple, but adorable way to bring some color and creativity into a bottle of soap or hand sanitizer!! Lego my soap!! I'm actually going to use this in Clara's playroom!! (My plans for Clara's innovative playroom will be a separate...and extremely involved post to come...oh my!)This idea can be used anywhere, to add a bit of playfulness and whimsy!!
I would love to know - What are some organizing, storing, decorating, you-name-it, ideas that you've adopted or experimented with in your own classroom that have made classroom management and teaching in general, easier and more playful, creative, or fun? How have you changed or tweaked these ideas or systems to make them more effective for you and your students?
Have a fantastic weekend! Happy organizing, creating, and decorating!

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