Living life one incredible day at a time...

Living life one incredible day at a time...

About Me

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Greetings Friends, Family, Fellow Blogging Community!! I'm a 30-something year old music teacher and enthusiastic self-taught decorator, who loves to spend time with my tremendously talented and handsome one-of-a-kind husband, Jon, our two amazing children, Clara and Carson, and my wonderful loving family and friends!! I love all things creative and artsy, including design, music, dance, art, scrapbooking, you name it!! I decided to commence this blog in order to create a fun and creative on-line journal showcasing the exciting adventurous journey of the Botbyl family, and in order to keep in touch with and hopefully inspire other individuals, like myself who love to share a wonderful life's design consisting of love of family, friends, and creative living!! Please leave me a message/comment if you decide to visit my blog, or add yourself to my list of "followers" so that I can visit your awesome blog or Facebook!! Look extremely forward to hearing from you!! Have an incredibly amazing day!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Clara Emerson "Sweet Pea" Botbyl has enthusiastically arrived!!

Clara Emerson "Sweet Pea" Botbyl's Amazing Labor and Delivery Story

How to begin...Week 34 started out like any normal week, ordinary aches and pain, the typical "Jon, can you please roll me over so that I can get outa bed to go potty?!" at 4:00 am kinda normal...Then, during school, a considerable amount of energy during instrumental lessons 1st and 8th period, swift conducting during my 8th grade 3rd period class, which come to think of it, may have had something to do with my water breaking later on in the week, rapping to Black-eyed-peas "Where the Love?" during 9th period...singing "I dreamed a dream" and "One thousand years" during my awesome 6th period choir class...Lunch Duty...Let's not mention lunch Duty. Flute lessons during the evening as usual, preparing for Olympic and South Jersey Honors Band Auditions.

The end of week 34...This passed Saturday, Jon and I (Baby Clara still safe and warm inside my womb) had a maternity shoot with my friend Kelly Lynd, excellent photographer by the way, for which I will forever be thankful considering it was the last day Clara would be in my belly (little did we know, less than 24 hours later, an awesome mid-wife would be prepping us for induced labor.) We also visited Jon's sister-in-law Jenn for the afternoon, and then proceded to shop for the rest of the day...1st the Amish Farmer's market, where we enjoyed the best lunch I had ordered in a while, and then to Buy Buy Baby, where we (luckily) picked up a few adorable Baby items in order to prepare for the next couple of weeks, having no clue how valuable these items would be within the next 12 hours or so. 

Sunday, January 13th, I enthusiastically awoke extra early in order to stylishly doll myself up for our 10:00 am church service, followed by a baby shower that an amazingly exceptional group of women were planning to throw in my honor, for which I was extremely excited and could hardly wait!! 

Turning Point : Sunday, January 13th, 8:30 AM
Then it happened..."What in the world was that!!?? Did my water just...JON!! I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE!!" Without a moment's hesitation, Jon came charging up the steps like a wild animal...then proceeded with caution, the extremely-logical-approach-taking type of husband that Jon continually proves himself to be. "Are you sure the baby didn't just punch you in the bladder hon?" A senerio I had already considered, yes...but a believable cause for this mad rush of fluid...highly unlikely in my panicky alarmed mind, although I was definitely hoping that his quick assumption was correct. After turning to our most trusted friend...Google...Jon (literally) ordered me to rest for 30 minutes, then play it by ear to see if anything happened. I, of course began to shrug it off after about 15 minutes passed, and still hadn't lied down, but then I decided to listen to my awesome husband since he always usually steers me in the right direction. Around 9:45, after lying down for a half an hour without any more action (not even sure what I was waiting for...) I called my mother who was supposed to meet us at church and told her we'd be a little late, but that everything was completely fine, and we'd see her there soon. (didn't wanna worry the poor woman, who I was sure would completely freak out, no doubt) In my mind, I was on my way to church, and this was no big deal. Mom decided to stop over instead of going directly there, in which case, we briefed her on the situation...I'm so Thankful she was there with me...She's been my rock through this entire pregnancy (as well as the 3 year journey before we were able to become pregnant) and is the best, most generous, loving, strong mother anyone could possibly have!! [Love you mom!!!!] Unfortunately, I never made it to the awesome church shower I had been looking forward to all week - Sorry ladies, there was nuttin' I could do!!

That's when it happened...AGAIN!! and again..."Jon grab my hospital bags!! They are up in the office!!" I've had my hospital bags packed since week 30 - something I've taken great pride and comfort in...and at this moment of pure panic, I was thanking God I had packed then so (ridiculously) early, and they were ready to go!!

The rest is history, we had a baby!! But...not so fast. Once we arrived at the hospital, bags in hand, a sweet nurse swiftly wheeled me up to maternity, where it was confirmed - indeed Clara had mischievously poked a hole in my water bag, and wanted 34 weeks 6 days gestational age. Around 11:30, they began inducing labor, about which I will not go into too much detail. By 8:20 AM Monday morning, Clara Emerson Botbyl had enthusiastically arrived, a ground-breaking 5 lbs and 14 ounces - Thank God!! 10 Fingers, 10 Toes - Jon counted as soon as she flew out...Well, she didn't exactly fly out - But do I wish it were that easy...Heck yeah!! Then I wouldn't have had to yell at the anesthesiologist, who happily came in to tell me my parents were here...during a laborious pushing session!! (Don't think he realized we were quite to that point...) Or I wouldn't have had to wait 4 hours for an epidural that I was unsure about ordering.

Clara was rushed down to the NICU, where she was immediately put on oxygen due to what we later found out was "pre-mature lungs", and remains there until next week. Jon and I were discharged late Wednesday afternoon after visiting our sweet baby as many times as possible. She has made vast improvement and may soon be able to nurse...that's another hurdle that we'll need to get to in time. We are taking it day by day and playing it by ear, and meeting with several Doctors for updates every couple of hours. 

Where we stand...
This morning, Dad and I went to visit her, and were surprised to walk in and find her looking like Batman, with a little black mask over her face, as well as all these other tubes she has hooked up to her head. She was swinging her arms all around, and being adorable!! Her hair was sticking straight up because they had just given her a nice shampoo job!! She was under a bright blue light because they are combating her jaundice. It totally cracked us up and made me want to take her home with me incredibly bad!! Dad said this was the best Birthday gift he could possibly imagine. HAPPY 60TH DAD!! (I know he doesn't want anyone to make a big deal about his birthday but I'm slyly, carefully...but very intentionally sneaking this little birthday announcement into Clara's labor and delivery story) I keep telling myself she's where she needs to be and until she's ready to go home, I want her there, right where she is, receiving the best care she could possibly be given. I love her so much!! 

Jon and I are visiting her at 3:45 today, and we will hopefully receive further updates on her present condition from her Doctors who are doing an incredible job. I'm extremely confident that she'll be moving further along tomorrow!!

I'm thankful to be blessed with such an amazing baby and to have received so much wonderful care over the last 4 days. We had an acceptional team that delivered the baby and I couldn't have asked for a more memorable and positive labor and delivery experience. Also, our parents have been truly amazing and supportive through everything - We are incredibly lucky!! Would I do it again?? Jon keeps asking me this...Yesss!!

To be continued...

1 comment:

mydenverhomesearch said...

Great story Amy!!! We are soooooo happy for you guys and hoping you get to bring your little one home soon. Get as much sleep as you can now!